What Is A Trademark?
Trademarks That cannot Be Registered
Advantage of Trademark Registration
It helps you to build loyal customer base while competitors from similar names are selling their products or services using your name.
Disadvantages of Not Registering Trademark
Any business that has not registered its trademark will not be able to avail of the legal protection under the Trademark Act.
Validity of a Registered Trademark
A trademark registration is initially valid for 10 Years (From Date of Registration) and thereafter subsequent renewal will further extend.
Document Required For Registration
- Applicant’s Name
- Type of Business
- Objective of Business
- Brand/Logo/Slogan
- Registration Address
- Identity Proof of Owner
Trademark Classes
To facilitate easy classification of businesses the Indian Trademark Registry has assigned groups (classes). There are 45 classes in total which group various product and service offerings. This basically brings any business you choose to pursue into any one of these 45 classes.
R Symbol
Upon registration of your trademark, you will be allowed to use the R symbol to denote that the trademark has been registered and enjoys protection under the Trademark laws of India.
TM Symbol
The TM symbol is generally used to indicate that there has been a trademark application filed and pending before the Trademark registry and serves as a warning to infringers.
SM Symbol
SM symbol is used for the service industry. The symbol is applicable for classes from 35 to 45. It is also not guaranteed protection against copyright issues.